
What others have to say.
Dr. Tom Renfro Board Chairman

"In Exodus 33, Moses was dealing with the children of Israel who sinned against the Lord, worshiping the golden calf that Aaron had made. The Lord was ready to destroy the children of Israel and make a nation out of Moses, except for the intervention of Moses. It was there that God told Moses in Exodus 33: 21 “Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:”

For the last 75 years, individuals, businesses, and ministries throughout this multistate region have joined together, providing a place of security, stability, compassion, understanding, and love to care for children whose lives have been upended by no fault of their own. The Appalachian Children’s Home partnering with Bluegrass and Appalachian foster services provides more than a residential environment. This is a place where the confusion and uncertainty of what has or will happen is met with a team of dedicated, professional, concerned, and caring individuals, to bring stability to their chaos, allowing these children to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually by establishing and reinforcing foundations of life where they can continue to mature. A better way is presented through lessons taught, the principles of life obtained, and the respect shown and earned, bringing confidence to live and walk into a better life and future.

I am honored to be associated with such a highly trained, dedicated, and exemplary staff, that live, show, and teach biblical principles of life in this home.

Pastor Tommy Bates

Ministries of the Appalachian Children's Home

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